102 Exception Occured 103 Protection 104 Settings 105 Time 106 Range 107 Source 108 Destination 109 Block 110 Allow 111 File 112 Type 113 Description 114 Lists havn't been updated 115 Done Updating 116 PeerGuardian Startup Wizard 117 Select Lists 118 What type of ranges do you want blocked? 119 Customize Lists 120 Add any custom lists you want PeerGuardian to use. 121 Automatic Updates 122 Use Automatic Updates to assure you're always using the latest protection. 123 Blocking %1% IPs 124 PeerGuardian is Disabled 125 PeerGuardian Update 126 Updating Lists... 127 Last Updated %1% 128 Lists haven't been updated in %1% days 129 Allow %1% for 15 minutes 130 Allow %1% permanently 131 Starting IP 132 Ending IP 133 &Close 134 PeerGuardian2 135 An instance of PeerGuardian is already open, please close it before opening another one. 136 P2P 137 Ads 138 Spyware 139 Government 140 Educational 141 Copy %1% to clipboard 142 Error: Invalid Application ID recieved 143 Error: %1% 144 Update available, see http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net 145 Allow %1% for one hour 146 Downloading - %1%%% 147 Permanent Allows 148 Statistics 149 Total Blocked: %1% 150 Blocks per Day: %1% 151 Blocks per Hour: %1% 152 Error contacting URL 153 Clear Log 154 Need Update 155 &Open... 156 &Edit... 157 Some lists were not found. \nFor your best protection, you should perform an update. 158 File not found 159 Unable to open the list at "%1%" 160 Blocked 161 Allowed 162 Update Error 163 An error occured while contacting the server. \n(code: %1%) 164 Make &static... 165 Remove 166 Making a list static will save it to a local file on your computer. This will allow you to edit it, but you will no longer be able to recieve updates for it. \nDo you want to continue? 167 Warning 168 PeerGuardian requires Administrator privileges to run. 169 Administrator privileges required 170 Invalid URL 171 The given URL is not valid. Did you forget a http:// ? 172 An uncaught exception occured! \nThis problem has been automatically reported to Methlabs. The report contains the following information: \n \nBuild Number: %1% \nFile: %2% \nLine: %3% \nType: %4% \nMessage: %5% \n \nThankyou for helping us improve PeerGuardian! 173 Uncaught exception 174 Update Available 175 There is an update for PeerGuardian available at http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net. \nWould you like to go there now? 176 Action 177 Protocol 178 All 179 HTTP is %1% 180 %1% Lists: %2% up-to-date - %3% failed updating - %4% disabled 181 Disable 182 Enable 183 Block HTTP 184 Allow HTTP 185 Lastly, we recommend that you read the PeerGuardian manual to get acquainted with the subtilties and tweaks available. Always remember: the best way to protect your privacy on P2P is to not use it at all! While PeerGuardian will provide a lot of protection, the lists are not 100% fullproof and should not be treated as such. 186 The selection of lists depends on your personal preference. If you're only using P2P software, the P2P list should be sufficient. We recommend that you block HTTP and manually allow sites of interest. You will be able to change these settings later in the List Manager. 187 If you can live with some ranges collapsing, aggressive mode will lower memory and CPU usage. It may, however, cause incorrect range names to be reported in the log. We recommend normal opptimization until you get familiar with how it works. You will be able to change these settings later, in the Settings tab. 188 We recommend that you check both PeerGuardian and lists for updates at least every other day to ensure you have the latest protection. Lists will only be downloaded if changes are detected, so it won't use up much bandwidth. You will be able to change these settings later in the Settings tab. 189 HTTP Blocks 190 All Blocks 191 Generating List Cache... 192 Connecting... 193 No update needed 194 Finished 195 No update available 196 Task 197 Status 198 Downloading 199 None available 200 Aborted 201 Error Contacting URL: %1% 202 &Close - %1% 203 PeerGuardian has hidden your tray menu. You will have to re-launch PeerGuardian to bring it back. 204 Hiding PeerGuardian 205 Exporting History... 206 Block %1% for 15 minutes 207 Block %1% for one hour 208 Block %1% permanently 209 Permanent Blocks 210 This will clear your entire history database. Do you want to proceed? 211 Clearing Database 212 Error: unable to open temp file 213 Error: unable to create Curl handle 214 Invalid backup, no recovery data found! 215 Could not restore 216 Restoring a backup will delete your current database. \nDo you want to continue? 217 Restore Backup 218 Restoring Backup... 219 Backing up... 220 An exception occured! \nThis problem has been automatically reported to Methlabs. The report contains the following information: \n \nBuild Number: %1% \nFile: %2% \nLine: %3% \nType: %4% \nMessage: %5% \n \nThankyou for helping us improve PeerGuardian! 221 Search 222 Calendar 223 An uncaught exception occured! \nThis problem has been automatically reported to Methlabs. The report contains the following information: \n \nBuild Number: %1% \nFile: %2% \nLine: %3% \n \nThankyou for helping us improve PeerGuardian! 224 History Error 225 Unable to open history database! \nHistory and logging are *DISABLED* 226 Archive & Remove 227 Do Nothing 228 The given path does not exist! 229 Invalid Path 230 List Error 231 PeerGuardian is unable to load the list at: \n%1% \n \nThis could be due to an invalid/unrecognized format, or corruption when downloading. \n \n%2% \n%3% 232 Driver Error 233 PeerGuardian is unable to load the packet filtering driver. \nThis could happen if PeerGuardian crashed and didn't have a chance to unload the driver, or if the file pgfilter.sys can't be found. \n \nIf PeerGuardian crashed, please run "Recover PeerGuardian" from the start menu to attempt to recover from the problem. \n \n%1% \n%2% 234 Unable to open file 235 Unable to open the file at: \n%1% \n \nCheck to make sure you have permissions to write to that location. 236 Genuine Methlabs Software 237 Click here to verify that you are using genuine Methlabs software.